Keeping the current state of affairs in mind, Pakistanis have numerous reasons to be motivated towards striving for a higher goal. All Pakistanis have to do is take an initiative towards betterment of its society and reach consensus for cooperation with all communities, classes and castes in Pakistan.
According to the Islamic Constitution of Pakistan 1973, Articles 22, 26, 27 and particularly Article 38 guarantee equality among all citizens of Pakistan “irrespective of sex, caste, creed or race.” These articles reaffirm all are equal in the eyes of law without discrimination to race, color or religion. However, with the passage of time we, Pakistanis, have let petty issues influence us enough to create class differentiation that resulted in unjust treatment by the capitalist towards common man/proletariat.
Consequently, the Pakistan Business Council (PBC) has taken all the circumstances in consideration to reach the first stage of motivation. The PBC comprises the elite class of Pakistan as it is a council of all major investors, industrialists and businessmen including Unilever, Siemens, GulAhmed among many others. The PBC has realized the dire need to join hands and work in collaboration with each other in order to bring Pakistan out of troubled waters. We ought to commend the Pakistan Business Council (PBC) for elevating to second stage of taking an initiative for the future of our country. The PBC has proposed the government to restructure public sector by introducing transparency in its system as far as appointment of higher-ups is concerned, introduce uniform taxation for all sectors, tackle higher inflation rate, reasonably deal with unemployment and overhaul the primal power generation system. The last stage is most critical as it requires cooperation of the government. It is critical as our government is highly criticized for lack of good governance.
The question is where do we go if the government fails to cooperate? Will the Pakistanis be motivated enough to take an initiative of revolutionizing Pakistan? Will we, Pakistanis, seek cooperation from all communities, races, creed in Pakistan to take matters in our own hands?
Pakistan has been a frontline state on war against terror, however, even today it is underappreciated for its efforts. Until 9/11 incident in the United States, Pakistan was unaware of suicide attacks and terrorists. Our country has suffered a great deal by becoming an active participant of a war that was not ours to begin with.
Pakistanis are motivated to stand-up against the wrongdoers and plead for justice. However, unfortunately we lack initiative and cooperation seems to be a far-fetched notion to revolutionize our country. Abraham Lincoln stated “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”[1] Pakistan is a house divided from within; thus regardless of the reasons for motivation Pakistanis lack initiative as there will be lack of cooperation from all ends. We, Pakistanis, need to acknowledge the fact that we ought to remain united and prevent outsiders/foreigners with opportunities to cause friction between us and take advantage.